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Lorna Morello has always tried to have an optimistic attitude about life.

She is known as the cheerful enthusiastic inmate of Litchfield prison, and one of Red's girls. Growing up in the poorer neighbourhoods of Brooklyn, with a large italian family, Morello learned quickly that the only way to get through life was to have a positive outlook.

Her family was involved with a lot of illegal things that she tried to stay out of. Morello was always known as the one who didn't have a bad bone in her body, until she met her fiance Christopher. Lorna fell in love at an early age and she fell hard.

Christopher had the bad boy vibe  and she loved it, but it ended up getting her here in Litchfield prison for Internet fraud. She uses her tim to lock focus on planning their wedding, even though Christopher hasn't visited in quite some time, and trying to get the inmates to share her love of West Side Story. She considers Nichols, a fellow inmate, as one of her closest friends and seeks in her  what she can't seem to get from Christopher anymore. Morello is trying to make her stay at Litchfield prison as positive of an experiance as possible , but it's hard given how horrible of a place it really is.






My Stories

  Lorna Morello






Rosalie             Janeway
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